The Truth About Anxiety


Anxiety is Normal

I know. You probably don’t feel like what you’re experiencing is normal, but anxiety is the body’s natural response to a stressful situation. There is nothing wrong with you. Everyone experiences anxiety to various degrees, teens, college students, and adults. So you certainly are NOT alone.

Anxiety is Overwhelming

Just because anxiety is normal, that does not mean that it isn’t overwhelming. It can cause some serious, pardon the pun, STRESS. Anxiety can feel debilitating like there is no way to get through the day, nevertheless thrive.

Anxiety Can Lessen

There are several ways to lessen anxiety. Check out my post on the top ten ways to reduce stress to get some ideas on how to decrease anxious thoughts. One of the best ways that I recommend is mindful breathing. By focusing on slowing down your breathing, it slows down your heart rate giving you a chance to look at your thoughts. Another great way to reduce anxiety is by tensing and releasing muscles. For example, take your fist and clinch it as tight as you can for as long as you can and then release. You will notice that your body releases. By doing this consistently it can help you get out of a stressful jam.

Sometimes You Need To Talk

There are times when stress does not go away no matter what you do. In those instances, it can be helpful to seek professional help. At Ember, I work with clients specifically on reducing anxiety and symptoms in the body caused by anxiety by looking at the thoughts and actions that may be contributing to anxiety sticking around.

If you’re curious about how I might help, schedule a free 15-minute consultation call today!


Symptoms of Anxiety


Top 10 Ways to Ease Stress